The Homepage for U-35, a Type VII U-Boat
... 1936 - 1939 ...
U-35 crew member Walter Kalabuch
Walter Kalabuch was the sailor who rowed the Greek sailors of the Diamantis onto the shore in Dingle Bay, Ireland on 04 October 1939.
He was awarded the Iron Cross, second class, on 12 October 1939 for this action.

The crew of U-35, including Walter Kalabuch, upon return from the first war patrol. [33, back cover photo of 32]

Another photograph taken of the U-35 crew, including Walter Kalabuch, upon return from the first war cruise. [35]
POW Camp, Canada.
Standing, from left: Hannes Thieme,
Karl Schnute,
Bartold May,
Hubert Hirsch,
Seated: Walter
Kalabuch, Paul Liebau, Gottlob
Wilhelm Fischer,
Willi Jacob, Martin
Müller. Note that Walter Kalabuch
is wearing the Iron Cross, second class.
Walter Kalabuch was released from captivity in July 1947.
Walter Kalabuch. [70]
Walter Kalabuch passed away in August 1988, and is survived by his wife, Lieselotte Kalabuch and daughter, Renate Kelch.
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(relative of U-35 Chief Engineer Gerhard Stamer).