The Homepage for U-35, a Type VII U-Boat
... 1936 - 1939 ...
U-35 crew member Martin Johannes Thieme
Hannes Thieme was born on 25 December
1919, and reported to U-35 in April 1939.
Hannes Thieme
in 1939
Hannes Thieme
in 1939
Upon capture, he was assigned
POW Number 37328.
POW Camp, Canada, about 1941.
Standing, from left: Hannes Thieme, Karl Schnute, Erich
Bartold May,
Hubert Hirsch,
Seated: Walter
Kalabuch, Paul Liebau, Gottlob
Wilhelm Fischer,
Willi Jacob, Martin Müller.
POW Camp, Canada, about 1941.
Hannes Thieme is seated, center, as the soccer team's goalkeeper.
Hannes Thieme
settled in Scotland after repatriation.
The identity card for Hannes Thieme in 1947.
Hannes Thieme
in 1949
Hannes Thieme
with his first wife, Jean.
Hannes Thieme
with Grace, 2000
Hannes Thieme
in Germany with Grace's sister and husband, 2000.
Hannes Thieme
with Grace, 2001.
Mr. Thieme visited Dingle, Ireland in 2001, and was taken to the site where U-35 dropped off the Greek crew of the
DIAMANTIS on 4 October 1939.

Evangelos Angelakos and Hannes Thieme featured in the Scottish newspaper
The Courier after meeting on 21 October 2009.
Hannes Thieme was a major contributor to this website. He
passed away on 01 July 2013.
Seeking any additional information and pictures related to U-35
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