Walter Roloff, Paul Fichte, Siegfried Bruse, Peter Schwarz, and Johann van der Pütten underway on U-35. [56] |
Johann van der Pütten, Walter Roloff and Siegfried Bruse underway on U-35. [47] |
The crew of U-35, including Walter Roloff, in Spain. [44] |
on board U-35 in Cadiz, April 1939. From left: Helmut Parthum, Otto Wagner, Karl-Heinz Schmidt, Walter Roloff, Martin Müller, Hans-Bernhard Michalowski, Karl Schnute. |
A photograph taken of the U-35 crew, including Walter Roloff, upon return from the first war cruise. [35] |
Prisoners of war, including Walter Roloff, in Canada. [56] |
Crewmembers of U-35 in the Espanola POW Camp in Canada. Standing, left to right: Gerhard Marx, Heinz Küfner, Stefan Döbele, Theodor Schütt, Walter Roloff. Sitting, left to right: Peter von der Helm, Gerhard Oppermann, Richard Friedrich Lüneburg, Fritz Pietsch, Ernst Weber. [70] |
A reunion of the U-35 crew in May 1984 in Hamburg L-R: Martin Müller, Johannes Weigand, Siegfried Bruse, Willi Jacob, Peter von der Helm, Walter Roloff, Werner Lott. [54,63] |
U-35 reunion in 1994. Men, l-r: Georg Ludwig Hengen, Hubert Hirsch, Friedrich-Hermann Vollmer, Gustav Horstkötter, Helmut Parthum, Werner Lott, Walter Roloff, Heinz Pfeifer. [60] |
Walter Roloff and wife Christel Roloff, and Gerhard Freier and wife Gerda Freier, in 1992. [56] |
Walter Roloff in 1994 on board U 995 in Laboe, Germany. [56] |